Plain and Heard Before

January 7, 2007

Celeste is doing historical research on KDE’s usability. To her request for my comment on things, I modestly replied:

I think my effective contributions are modest, although one could say I’ve tried. But I can of course always express my view.

Her response, which made me think, was:

Your view is what matters to me, not some generalized or idealistic view from the usability contributors themselves. I have certainly learned some interesting things from the developers.

One could of course take that as a negative comments towards “the usability contributors” but I think it was to address a certain problem.

Aaron wrote in a recent blog entry:

[…] It punishes developers like Tim for speaking openly about the challenges we face. the free software community relies on our ability to speak openly and honestly to each other; if we start to get punished for it then we have a real problem.

Although the blog entry is in general about a certain article, Aaron is in that paragraph simply pointing out that being able to talk and address issues is dead important.

As reply to one of Celeste’s questions on KDE’s usability, I wrote:

One thing I admire the GNOME project much of, is their ability to change. They manage to get ideas /implemented/ in their main
line, without getting shot down at the proposal-stage. Those ideas might one disagree with or they are perhaps even downright wrong, but the ability to
change, to test new ideas, is a prerequisite for reaching the right ideas. Progress isn’t a linear progression of constantly correct changes, and the
working process must be adapted for that.

I can’t name a particular achievement, but each time a usability idea advances from being a proposal to being tried on the practical level, progress
is happening.

which as well merely says “don’t shoot down ideas just because they’re different or sound bad.” I’m of course only speculating from my view on things, but it wouldn’t surprise me if many nods to that it can be difficult to not have an idea stalled as early as when it is a suggestion.

Open Source and Free Software, at least if we go back in time, was a liberator for sick things in the IT industry, and will continue to be so, as long as those values are withheld. But perhaps the community is too consumed with its achievements on the democratic side, to see the sides of itself that fights its own mindset.

Belief fucks up mankind in spectacular ways. “We just need a revolution from system X to system Y and we will have no more corruption”, “It is ok to reduce the democratic rights for Them because They are not Us”, “We don’t have to listen because we are right”, and other countless examples that demonstrates people thinking there is a difference between people as long as they have a different skin color, operating system, religion, political system, desktop environment, and so on.

My point is simple and well repeated: openess is important. This time, it’s being emphasized for the open source community. Things will stall if ideas from GNOME are on mailing lists tuted as evilness, if less technically minded users are What’s Wrong, if KDE is considered to always be perfect, or if new ideas are shot down for not being what we have. And blogs isn’t the only way ideas are expressed, what ideas that are implemented in software, is another way as well.

6 Responses to “Plain and Heard Before”

  1. bsander Says:

    Well said, I agree 100%.

  2. Aaron J. Seigo Says:

    the balancing point to openness is responsibility, and no conversation about one is complete without the other imho.

    expecting others to openly listen to what one says or to openly accept what one does requires that the message delivered in a positive fashion, that there is equal give on the side of the person who is saying or doing and that there is some effort to bring actual merit to a conversation (be it in software or words). if one can’t muster those things, it is not realistic to expect an open embrace.

    ergo the phrase, “be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you send”.

  3. Frerich Says:

    I believe that when making a suggestion, the only one who can actually make sure that the idea does not get past the proposal stage are you yourself.

    Among many open source projects (including KDE) you can see a very blunt type of honesty, and I guess the border between that honesty and dumb aggressivity is quite blurred sometimes. When you have an idea (say, about how to improve the usability of some KDE application) but it seems like people are tearing it apart on the mailinglist, then that doesn’t have anything to do with lack of “openness” (IMHO the contrary is true). It just means that nobody was convinced yet – and when you see no light at the end of a tunnel, go down there and light the darn thing yourself. 😉

    In software projects, those who eventually implement something are usually the developers. At the same time, we have this spirit of granting respect to people who do stuff – which I personally like very much, since it acts as a kind of filter. I figure one problem with this combination is that it’s usually the developers who get “respect” for something – after all, they’re the ones who “coded” it, right? That’s unfortunately totally ignoreing that those who wrote the code might not be the ones who did all the design, all the thought work – and all the lobbying.

    I don’t have the slightest clue how GNOME works internally, but I hope the fact that every proposal gets attacked immediately (I consider it “testing whether it’s waterproof”) can actually be considered a sign of a healthy and committed community. Unfortunately I’m a bit of a pessimist and suspect that 80% of the comments are just from people who drool over an opporturnity to voice their opinion (implying that _somebody_ cares). Think footprints in wet cement.

  4. Daniel Says:

    Aaron J. Seigo Says:
    the balancing point to openness is responsibility.
    expecting others to openly listen … requires that … there is equal give on the side of the person who is saying or doing and that there is some effort to bring actual merit to a conversation (be it in software or words).

    Merit is a strange currency. You need merrit ro earn merrit. Take kde-promo for example. The real promo list is internalized, leaving willing to contribute “part-time” on kde-promo. Same thing with has occured with artwork.

    Looks a lot like a soviet system – you wait till someone with credit dies until you can safely raise your head without it being chopped off.

    Quite disgusted and turned off by the way organization of KDE went in the last year. Even desire to contribure part-time disappeared.

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